Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Unit2-Day1 Experiencing God

From "Experiencing God" -Knowing and Doing the Will of God
by Henry and Richard Blackaby Claude King

Unit 2 : Looking to God

"Some trust in chariot and some in horses. But I trust in the name of the Lord our God" Psalm 20:7

Day1 : God-Centered living

A Self-Centered Life or A God Centered Life
*Is focused on self or *Places confidence in God

*Is proud self and self's accomplishments or *Depends on God and His ability and provision

*Is self-confident or*Focuses on God and His activity

*Depends on self and abilities or*Is humble before God

*Affirms self or*Denies self

*Seeks to be acceptable to the world and it way or*Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness

*Looks at circumstances from a human or*Seek God's perspective in every perspective circumstance

*Chooses selfish and ordinary living or*Chooses holy and Godly living .
To know and do God's will, you must deny self and return to a God -centered life.

"Self-centeredness is a subtle trap because it makes sense from a human perspective.
Like King Asa(2 Chron. 16:1-3) you can avoid it at one time and fall into its trap at another."

"God never asks people to dream up something to do for Him."

Monday, April 26, 2010

BSF Lesson 28 4/21/2010

Concerning about things that last forever (spirit), all materials fade away (physical).

The things last forever: our sprit, God’s word.

Our thought and emotion influence our spirit.

Watch out and be careful about what we think in our heart and mind.

God teach us to think about the things which are righteousness, goodness, kindness, loveliness, and truthfulness. That will help our spirit to be like Holy Spirit more and more and will go into our eternal life.

Oppositely, the negative thought like bitterness, jealousy, haste and so on won’t fade away automatically if we do not handle it properly. These negative thought will dull and destroy our spirit and make our spirit far away from Holy Spirit more and more.