Monday, November 28, 2011

Be thankful always

Grateful kids are healthier--study finds benefit in 365 days thanksgiving
"But like anything else, gratitude takes used to it . Developing a 'thanking' routine, from journaling to dinner time shout -outs, is an essential element to all the studies."

A free November Gratitude Calender  from:
A Book of Gratitude
Thankful for cards
Thankful Tags

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Animal Farm By George Orwell

Animal Farm (Anniversary) ( Signet Classics (Paperback) ) (50TH ed.) [ ANIMAL FARM (ANNIVERSARY) ( SIGNET CLASSICS (PAPERBACK) ) (50TH ED.) ] by Orwell, George ( Author) on Apr, 01, 1996 Mass Market Paperbound

Mistreated and overloaded animals can’t stand it anymore.  They took a revolution to defeat human being and built a farm ruled by animals called “Animal Farm”.
Victorious and excited animals constituted their own law called

1, Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2, Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3, No animal shall wear clothes.
4, No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5, No animal shall drink alcohol.
6, No animal shall kill any other animal.
7, All animals are equal.

A few years later, what happened?
What did they hear from the pigs who had being marched through the farm?
“Four legs good, two legs better!  Four legs good, two legs better!”

“Are the Seven Commandments the same as they used to be?”
“There were nothing there now except a single commandment. It ran
“All animals are equal. But Some Animals Are More Equal Than Other.” (P133)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Trumpet of the Swan By E.B. White

The Trumpet of the Swan (full color)

Louise is a trumpeter swan without voice.  When he fell in love with a beautiful swan Serena, how did he tell her he loves him?  How did he get a real trumpet to play a song " beautiful dreamer" to win his sweet heart? Louise is a very special swan. Though he had no voice , he could read , write, play a trumpet, even earn money.

Some Excerpts
" The world  is full of talkers, but it is rare to find anyone who listens. And I assure you that you can pick up more information when you are listening than when you are talking."
" The best was to travel, really, is to travel light."
"Louise is a musician, and musicians can't choose their working hours-they must work when their employer wants them to."
"this feeling of rapture can lead you to your death.  No matter how wonderful you feel down there, don't ever forget to return to the surface, where you can breathe again."

Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Bookshelf

Elementary School

Charlotte's Web

Charlotte's Web

Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little , The Trumpet of the Swan  
by E.B. White
E. B. White Box Set

The Cricket in Times Square (Chester Cricket and His Friends)

The Incredible Journey  by  Sheila Burnford
The Incredible Journey

The Bfg (Big Friendly Giant) (Play)

The Phantom Tollbooth 

The Phantom Tollbooth

The Story of  DOCTOR DOLITTLE      By Hugh Lofting
The Story of Doctor Dolittle

Island of the Blue Dolphins Scott O’Dell

Island of the Blue Dolphins

The Chronicle of Narnia     By   C.S. Lewis
Chronicles of Narnia Movie Tie-in Box Set The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (rack)

When I first read the book

  • "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"

  •  I can't stop reading  and submerging myself in the world of Narnia.

    The Johnny Tremain   By Esther Forbes
    Johnny Tremain
    A book of Boston in revolt

    The Tiny Seed (World of Eric Carle)

    Middle School

    The Adventure of Tom Sawyer    by   Mark Twain
    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Barnes & Noble Classics Series)

    Animal Farm by George Orwell

    Product Details

    Watership Down   by Richard Adams
    Watership Down: A Novel

    The Cay     by Theodore Taylor
    The Cay

    Summer of the Monkeys  by  Wilson Rowl

    This is a very special summer.
    A boy was fascinated by the reward which could be attained by catching monkeys who were escaped for a circus.
    He tried every way to catch the monkeys.  Did he catch them?

    Summer of the Monkeys      

    The giver  By  Lois Lowry

    Gathering Blue    By  Lois Lowry

    Messenger      By  Lois Lowry

    The Worlds of Lois Lowry 3 Copy Boxed Set (The Giver, Gathering Blue, The Messenger)

    The Giver
    In the world,  everything is predictable.  People live in the community without differences, risks,troubles. People do not know colors. They do not have  secretes and memory.  You are assigned to have your name, job,your spouse, and your children by the committee.

    For Adult Reader
    Inside out by Larry Crabb

    Product Details


    What is self protection?
    Many  of our behaviors are motivated by self protection.
    However, we are so used to it that we do not recognize it at all.
    Real changes only happen when we undermine inside of our heart
    instead of just correcting or fixing the outside or appearance of behaviors. 

    Connecting   by Larry Crabb      

    Connecting: Healing Ourselves and Our Relationships

    How do we  relate to others?
    Sometimes we feel emotional, lonely, empty.
    It's probably because we connect to people wrongly.
    Connection problems!

    Wednesday, November 23, 2011

    The Cricket In Times Square by George Selden

    The Cricket in Times Square (Chester Cricket and His Friends)

    The cricket, Chester who used to live in the country in Connecticut, accidently came to Times Square in New York.  What happened to him? A very interesting, warm and touching story reminds me the song of “New York New York” and old memories.

    Some excerpts from the book

    “I thought cats and mice were enemies.”
    “In the country, maybe, But in New York we gave up those old habits long ago.” (P28)
    “And as always in New York, when a little crowd formed, more people came just to see what the other were looking at. Bees do that, and so do human beings.”
    “So by Thursday Chester cricket was the most famous musician in new York City. But now there is a strange thing: he wasn’t really happy-not the way he used to be. Life didn’t seem to have fun and freedom it had had before.” (P124)
    “I almost wish he hadn’t come to New York-if he isn’t going to be happy here.” (P133)
    “What good is it to be famous if it only makes you unhappy?” (p134)

    Giant Yellow Teddy Bear In New York City

    Monday, November 21, 2011

    Island of the Blue Dolphins Scott O’Dell

    Island of the Blue Dolphins           Scott O’Dell

    (P 166)
    “After that summer, after being friends with Won-a nee and her young, I never killed another otter.”  I had an otter cape for my shoulders, which I used until it wore out, but never again did I make a new one. “
    ” Nor did I ever kill another cormorant for its beautiful feathers, though they have long, thin necks and make ugly sounds when they talk to each other.”
    “Nor did I kill kills seals for their sinews, using instead kelp to bind the things that needed it.”
    “Nor did I kill another wild dog, nor did I try to spear another elephant.”
    “ If Ulape and my  father had come back and laughed, still I would have felt the same way, for animals and birds are like people, too, though they do not talk the same or do the same things.  Without them the earth would be an unhappy place.” 

    Monday, November 14, 2011



    看到王師母,不但身為師母,同時也爲人妻,爲人母,和衆人的老師,一人同時扮演多種角色, 但是説起話來卻不急不緩,聲音甜美,氣質優雅。祕絕爲何呢?她說,當她能控制自己的情緒,妥善處理自己的負面情感,不要讓怒氣,憂慮,焦躁,沮喪等負面情緒 來耗損自己的精力和時間,你將出乎意料的發現自己不但是精神百倍,體力驚人,同時能做好許多事,而且生命越活越精彩。

    再一次,又一次地看到了我們這個人自己本身的重要。在扮演各種角色之前,自己跟自己和好是最重要的。教孩子之前,我們是不是成熟的人-成人,我們的價值觀,處世爲人, 情緒狀況,是否合神心意,討神喜悅。使我們在管教孩子之時,不惹孩子的氣,讓孩子心服口服。對孩子並不是一再耳提面命,嘮叨不停,卻是話説的精短扼要,重話輕說,仍就保持一貫的優良氣質。

    所謂的領導學,就是對人產生影響力,並且使人轉化。並非訓練CEO,經理人才,才需要學習領導學。身為父母的,就是在扮演領導孩子的角色。孩子的自信絕不是與生俱來的,而是藉由周遭的許許多面鏡子的反射來告訴他, 他是一位怎麽樣的人。身為父母的我們,能否成爲孩子最大最穩固的鏡子,反射出神在這個孩子裏面的心意,使孩子能活出神在這個孩子裏的命定。當我們不斷地為孩子禱告,願我們孩子在生命的各個層面中出現貴人,讓我們先為自己禱告,我們就是孩子一生最大的貴人。


    當我在學經濟學的時候,記得書本寫著這個世界“資源是有限的,稀有的”, 當這個物品越稀有,它就越有價值。例土地就是一種稀有財。 又學到了這個世界的資源有如一塊大餅,而且這個餅是會被分完的。大家要竭盡所能,才分得到大餅的一部分。當這個觀念深植於人心,我很懷疑我們如何成爲富足而慷慨的人,看到別人的成功衷心為他高興。

    王師母的講座中,提到了一塊大PIZZA 的觀念。我們孩子的價值是覺得這個世界所有的資源都只限于在這塊大PIZZA裏,當別人拿走了其中幾片的PIZZA,就開始忐忑不安還是仍就有充足的安全感,相信這塊PIZZA無限大,可創造出無限的潛能,自己仍有成功的機會。孩子的心態是富足的,還是貧窮的。對孩子能否健康積極,並且成爲衆人的祝福,重要關鍵。

    彼前2:9  惟 有 你 們 是 被 揀 選 的 族 類 、 是 有 君 尊 的 祭 司 、 是 聖 潔 的 國 度 、 是 屬   神 的 子 民 、 要 叫 你 們 宣 揚 那 召 你 們 出 黑 暗 入 奇 妙 光 明 者 的 美 德 。

    Thursday, November 3, 2011

    Real Secret to Effective Time Management-Ann Voskamp

    Real Secret to Effective Time Management

    "In the silent   times-seek God"
    "In the  painful  times-praise God."
    "In the harried times-hallow Hod."
    "In the terrible times-trust God"
    "And at all times, at all times-Thank God"