Thursday, March 24, 2011



隨著年紀的增長,漸漸發現,很多事情似乎不是那麽一回事,並非黑即白,也非白即黑,更不是灰灰的,那麽是什麼呢,哦,原來很多事是一體兩面, 兩面一體的,一個人的長處常常也是他的點,而弱點似乎又成了他的長處。例如有些很熱情的人,常常伴隨著好管閒事,愛説話的特性,甚至一不小心就成了東家長西家短的人物。 一個穩重不多話的人,處理事情,時常是處變不驚,臨危不亂,卻又讓人覺得這個人似乎太深沉了,甚至覺得他好冷。

光陰似箭,歲月如梭, 從小每年新年新希望,寫作文必用的八股開場白的我,莫明其妙得變成了老太婆,怎麼又覺得“一體兩面“好像太少面了,很多人事物並非一體兩面就解釋得通。天生很沒有方向感的我,常在原地轉來轉去,轉得頭昏腦脹的時候,不經意地擡頭一看,看到天上掛著一道虹,好像“Happy Face”裏的那張大嘴巴在對我癡癡的笑,愛做夢的我,又開始做夢,若我們常常擡頭看著住在天上的爸爸,你看我,我看你,相看兩不厭,想著天上的爸爸,對我咧嘴而笑,想著祂就是那位用笑臉幫助我的天爸爸, 也許我們的世界並非只有黑,白,灰灰的,陰陰的,而是像彩虹一般,紅橙黃綠藍靛紫,”七“彩繽紛,美麗無比。

創世紀Genesis ... 
9:13, 我把虹放在雲彩中、 這就可作我與地立約的記號了。 9:14, 我使雲彩蓋地的時候、 必有虹現在雲彩中.

More article: Happy  St. Patrick's Day

Friday, March 18, 2011


by David Brooks
Researchers have made strides in understanding the human mind, filling the hole left by the atrophy of theology and philosophy.
What does happiness come from? How do we feel happy?
Some excerpts from the article of social animals
“I believe we inherit a great river of knowledge, a flow of patterns coming from many sources.
“The information that comes from deep in evolutionary past we call genetics”
“The information passed along. From hundreds of years ago we call culture.”
“The information passed along from decades ago we call family.”
“The information offered months ago we call education.”
“Our thoughts are profoundly molded by this long historic flow, none of us exits, self-made, in isolation from it”
“Though History has made us self-conscious in order to enhance our survival prospects,………..”
“Flourishing consists of putting yourself in situation in which you lose self-consciousness and become fused with other people, experience, or tasks.”
“It happens sometimes while you are lost in a hard challenge, or when an artist listening to music, or lost in story, or to some people when they feel enveloped by God’s love.. And it happens most when we connect with other people.’

“Happiness isn’t really produced by conscious accomplishment.” (we can see it physically.)
“Happiness is a measure of how thickly the unconscious parts of our mind are intertwined with other people and with activities.”
“Happiness is determined by how much information and affection flows through us covertly every day and year.” (We can not see it physically and apparently.)l
“during his lifetime, the competition to succeed-to get into the right schools and land the right jobs-had grown stiffer.”
“Yet somehow the things that didn’t lead to happiness and flourishing had been emphasized at the expense of the things that did.  The gifts he was most grateful for had been passed along to him by teachers and parents inadvertently, whereas his official education was mostly forgotten or useless.”
(My thought about the last statement:
If he did not get his official education, how could he meet and know different teachers?  Official education has its purposes and goodness.   However ,it seems like we pay too much attention to grades that we forget about the parts of the learning process.)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Is it 2010 or 2011

The old gentleman sat next to me asked me: “Is it 2010 or 2011?”
I told him with surprisingly:”It’s March 14th, 2011”
He said in cheerful tone “Thank you.  Yes I knew it’s March 14th, I can check the date with my watch, but it does not tell me what year it is.  After you retired,  it does not seem to matter what year it is anymore

Friday, March 11, 2011

History-He writes His story

這一年我在BSF study Isaiah. Recently, we discussed a lot that God sovereigns. He controls history. I just came back from Taiwan and feels kind of dizzy. 但不知怎麽
“詩興”大發 Here is the poem suddenly came out from my mind when I studied Isaiah

In His love, In His love
Who is He?
He is the one who writes His story
He writes history

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's well with my soul-我心靈得安寧

在一次的姐妹聚會中, 有一位姐妹提到了這位成功又愛主的企業家,
想起了我也曾看過他所接受真情部落格的專訪。其中最令我感動的是,他提到了他如何請到了世界三大男高音來唱這首聖歌“我心靈得安寧”,他特別提到了這首歌的作者Spafford,的故事, 他所有的財富因著芝加哥大地震, 一夕之間付諸一炬,在此同時接到了他的三個女兒在一場船難中全部喪生。當他到船難現場哀悼他的女兒時,神親自安慰了他,於是這首詩歌-“It'swell  with my soul"就誕生了,這首歌並且成爲千千萬萬人的祝福與安慰。

Spafford,的故事, 深深地感動了我。 也勾起了我的好奇心,這首歌“我心靈得安寧”到底如何唱,於是去google了一下,原來他的原名就是“It'swell  with my soul"。 更奇妙的是,在那一周我在BSF的司琴就是這首歌。我們的神真的好奇妙,神說:”我所賜的平安是出人意外的平安,且是世界所不能奪的“ 我很羡慕這樣的平安,神再次地鼓勵了我。

我們的神真好,在我的生日即將到來之時,明天的BSF,surprisingly, 我們要再次的唱這首歌
“It'swell  with my soul"。

Friday, March 4, 2011

基督徒必修課 : 唐崇榮論聖靈

星期二的禱告會,一位姐妹提到了唐崇榮牧師,回家“google' 了一下,